The California Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) has re-issued an updated call for nominations and self-nominations regarding current vacancies on UC's Systemwide and Campus Committees
The California Native American Heritage Commission is seeking interested UC faculty, staff, or graduate students interested in serving on one of the campus Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation (NAGPRA) Implementation Committees.
The UCR NAGPRA Program has officially begun recruiting for a NAGPRA Program Specialist position. Reporting to the University's NAGPRA Repatriation Coordinator, this position will work particularly on our radiocarbon lab collections and will also assist in other aspects of the program, such as collections management and research. Experience in collections management and an understanding of...
On October 27, 2022, the UC Office of the President issued a moratorium on all research and teaching activities using Native American human remains or cultural artifacts unless the culturally affiliated tribe(s) give explicit written permission.
UCR seeks qualified University of California faculty or staff to fill a soon-to-be-vacated position on its NAGPRA Implementation Committee. All potential nominees must have a completed application packet for submission to the California Native American Heritage Commission, which is the official body charged by California law with vetting and submitting the final list of approved...
The University of California, Riverside has successfully submitted its preliminary inventories and summaries of all Native American ancestors, artifacts, and cultural objects to the California Native American Heritage Commission.
The deadline for nominations for the UC NAGPRA Implementation and Oversight Committees has been extended to March 15, 2021. The NAHC is currently accepting nominations, both UC and tribal, for the following UC NAGPRA Oversight Committees (minimum statutory qualifications here): UC Systemwide UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA UC Merced UC Riverside UC San...
On March 2, 2021, the University of California invited the public to comment on proposed revisions to UC’s Native American Cultural Affiliation and Repatriation Policy through May 31, 2021. This revised Policy incorporates changes to the California Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (CalNAGPRA), which were signed into law under AB 275 in September...
The UCR Radiocarbon Laboratory Project has completed the cataloging of 5,688 samples of primarily wood, charcoal, shell, animal bone, and a small number of human remains. Project staff have already returned more than half of the NAGPRA-covered human remains to the responsible institutions or researchers so that they can begin the consulting with the appropriate...