
UCR Submits Preliminary Inventories and Summaries to Native American Heritage Commission

The University of California, Riverside has successfully submitted its preliminary inventories and summaries of all Native American ancestors, artifacts, and cultural objects to the California Native American Heritage Commission by April 1, 2022 in compliance with the provisions of CalNAGPRA as amended by Assembly Bill 275 in 2020. 

UCR will immediately begin reaching out to all Federally- and State-recognized tribes in California to invite them to review and to consult on these preliminary inventories and summaries.

In addition, the University has uploaded a complete list of all Ancestors and cultural objects found to be currently housed at UCR but that are under the legal control of other entities. That listing can be viewed at the Agencies with Legal Control of Human Remains or Cultural Items Held by UCR website. The University will work with those agencies and with any and all tribes associated with these Ancestors and cultural objects to return them to those agencies, to hold them on behalf of the agencies and the tribes until repatriation can be completed, or to transfer them to another location on behalf of both the tribes and the agencies.